Turn up the Volume! April 2018

I'm not suggesting you blast your music for all to hear! Instead, I'm talking about increasing the volume of reading in your child's life.

Take a moment to consider the current level of volume in your child's reading. Is it at a low level? Have you noticed any changes throughout the year? It is important to keep an eye on how much reading your child is doing all year- not just during the school year.

The amount of time your child spends reading each day (both in school and at home) is key to your child's success in reading. Time spent reading increases a child's proficiency, stamina, vocabulary, knowledge and interest in reading.

Here are a few ways you can help turn up the volume in your child's reading:

Keep books everywhere - in the car, the living room, the bedroom and yes, even the bathroom. Don't forget to bring books with you when you travel!

Encourage your child to read to someone new- a sibling, a pet, or maybe over the phone to a relative.

Buddy read with your child and keep reading to your child.

Visit the library and have your child choose books he/she can read independently or with your help, along with books you can read to them.

Have conversations about the books your child is reading.

Encourage your child to continue to reread the books they bring home in their reading bags. These practice books are an important part of their growth as readers.

Happy Reading!

Mrs. Sharon McCauley

Reading Consultant