Text Complexity October 2017


Grade 5

As students’ reading levels increase, so does the complexity of their books. Students read books with more complicated story elements, themes, problems, vocabulary, etc. Students need to be active readers who think and monitor their comprehension as they read. Predicting, wondering, connecting, picturing, noticing and figuring out are ways students can increase their understanding when they are reading.

Please encourage your child to read at home. Practice is key! Even though your child is a more independent reader, you can still ask questions to prompt your child to talk about her/his fiction book. Perhaps ask questions such as:

  • Talk to me about your book.

  • What is your book about?

  • What do you like best about your book?

  • What do you like least about your book?

  • What do you think might happen next?

  • What character traits would you use to describe your character(s)?

  • What is the lesson of the story?

Thank you for supporting your child and happy reading!

Mrs. VanDerheyden

Monroe Elementary Reading Specialist